Zachary Fisher


Happy spring, everyone!

It's been a little over two(!) weeks since Zac was born, and we've kind of worked out a routine where we don't feel so overwhelmed having two little ones in the house.  I don't think it could have happened this perfectly if Scott wasn't able to take a month off for paternity leave.  Gotta love the EU and their love for babies and families!

Anyway, I told myself that I HAD to get the baby photos out on the blog as soon as possible because the families are waiting.  Soooooooooooo….   do I need to go into detail about the birth?  Probably not, but I will say that if anyone was scratching their head about our mid-April babe being born in mid-March… Yes, he was a tad early and yes, he was a tiny little thing (5 lbs of cuteness)… but we're all fine and healthy and Zac is growing more and more every day.  

Now a bit on my oldest child (that feels so weird to say!).  He is an amazing brother!  He's careful, willing to share (and seems okay with sharing his parents) and LOVES holding his baby brother.  Also, we're currently on the potty training crazy train that seems to happen at this age.  Is it possible to be outsmarted by a two year old?  Because I really think that he's figured out the bribe system and gets that he's not suppose to shit or piss in his pants, but he has. no. shame.  I mean, how do you figure out when to stick your toddler on the toilet if he's suddenly turned into a ninja pooper?  So, next week, we will embark on the no pants, no diaper trend, and hope for the best.

Anyway, happy Easter week-end all!  And here's some photos of Zac's first couple weeks (dawwwwww)!

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