Pics by Max


Recently (like in the past 5 months) Max has been showing a growing interest in photography.  A TWO year old?  You may ask.  And yes, a two year old who sees my camera or my iPod or my phone, and does not stop harassing me until I let him press a button to take a photo… and then insists on seeing his work after.  So over Christmas, he received an indestructible digital camera (this camera if anyone is interested) to use whenever he feels the urge to take a picture.   Which he does.  A lot.  So when I was downloading the 400+ photos from his camera, and I saw most of the photos he took for the first time, it was hysterical.  I hope this will be a continuing hobby of his because it's so much fun to see what a toddler deems (because believe it or not, he seems to have things that inspire him so much that he stops everything he's doing to go grab his camera) an appropriate subject.  

So here's a small glimmer of our everyday life, through Max's eyes.

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