So besides changing diapers, feeding babies and working, what have the LaPoints been up to?
Well playing outside, loving the warm weather and getting used to being a family of four, of course. I would be lying if I said that it wasn't exhausting… because it is… but totally rewarding and hey! I'm getting used to no sleep again. So there's that. Plus, I can kind of have a conversation now without zoning out. It just requires a little more concentrating on my part (who are we kidding, it's all about the coffee, people) but I'm doing it! Also, I can almost get us out of the house and to the playground at a reasonable hour. Whether the kids are dressed in anything other than what they went to bed in…well at least we made it out the door.
On the dad side of things, Scott has been amazing. He's functioning on maybe even less sleep then me (Max has started to wake up in the middle of the night again… go figure) while working AND making time to come home early-ish so I can run (because for a half hour I just don't want to be around anyone. period). He's also awesome with the boys. It'll be fun to watch them beat him up over the years, while I sit back and relax with a tall glass of wine.
And finally, (and probably the only reason people look at these posts) Max and Zac.
Maximilian Hunter has been called Maximilian Hunter a LOT lately because he's at the terrible twos stage and my patience is being tested constantly. So instead of Max, he's Maximilian Hunter with the LaPoint thrown in when he's being extra nuts. Anyway, what Maximilian Hunter is loosing in baby fat he's gaining in attitude. His vocabulary it growing to the point that I kind of wish I didn't understand him like I didn't understand him two months ago… fortunately for him, I find most the things he says hysterical because most of the time I'm like: where did he learn to say that? and omg did he just say "shit?" shit... When my grandparents came to visit us in October, my grandfather was trying to get Max to repeat some not so nice things (which was actually pretty funny) and at the time, Max wasn't getting it. Well, grandpa, the next time we see you, you can most definitely get him to repeat the most inappropriate things and he'll find it funny… NOT that I'm giving you permission to do so…
Last and the youngest. Baby Zac. The cutest, worst napper, constant crier, projectile pooping child that anyone could ask for and we love, love, love him so much. His big brother has nicknamed him Tiny, and every hour of the day he's been told "good morning" and given a kiss on the cheek which is usually followed by a finger poking at his eyes, nose or mouth (Maximilian Hunter has recently felt the need to point out body parts whether on himself or others… like that one time he informed one of our friends that she had boobies… yup). Zac is also constantly trying to move himself from point A to point B. I don't think our littlest man will be completely happy until he's mobile…at which point I will be unhappy that he's mobile. So, Zachary Fisher, do NOT grow up too fast! But do try to start sleeping through the night. Pretty Please? Also, dem rolllllllls. The chunk. The triple chins. The elbow dimples. This child was born two months ago and he eats like… well not like his older brother did. I mean, Zac gained a whopping two(!) plus pounds in the first month of his life. He's on track to being a lot bigger then Max. It's all I can do to keep with his feeding schedule because if Zac is hungry, forget it, nothing gets done until he's had his meal.
So that's a brief update on us. Not so exciting but hey, we're busy, we're time managing and we're happy. Now on to the photos!
▲FYI this photo was taken as a request from a certain two year old▲
▲The photo on the right is Zac's usual reaction to anything that Max does, especially if it's loud▲
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