The Last Few Months in Germany


As many of you know by now, we have relocated to Nyack, New York for Scott's new postdoc position.   For the past few months we've been busy spending time with family and catching up on… well everything.  For example, my license expired while we were in Germany and whoops! I had to retake the written and driving test again.  Not something that I ever planned to do.  We also introduced the boys to family, fairs, and fourth of July.  Max keeps talking about the old castle and things that he had back in Germany but he's excited about his new castle and new beginnings… but more on that later.

Anyway, we're in our new place now and mostly unpacked.  I'm looking forward to dusting off the camera (I've been slacking and feel terrible about it) and taking some photos to show off the new town and the new digs.  It's a cute little area just outside New York City but I won't get into too much detail, like I said, more on that later.  So instead, I'm going to take us back to where we use to live and try not to get too emotional about it.  I had a bunch of photos that I didn't have time to post before we moved, so this is going to be just a couple posts of random photos from the spring and early summer in Germany.
△The end of March my mom came to visit for a couple weeks.△
△We were going to go to the Zurich zoo for Zac's first birthday, but decided that it would be less stressful for Zac if we just went to the Konstanz aquarium instead.△
 △Lola and the boys. △
△Man, do I miss the ice cream.△
 △Usual family photo. Max's new face for the camera is looking grumpy. △
△When Zac was born, he was premature so we had to go to the Singen hospital because of the NICU  and the Singen hospital (drum roll) is directly under castle ruins.  I'll never forget pacing the room in labor and looking up at it.  So amazing and breathtaking.  Anyway, Zac and I had to stay in the hospital for a week so Max came to know the ruins as "mommy's castle."  Scott said that whenever they got ready to come visit Zac and I, he would tell Max that they were going to mommy's castle.  We promised that someday we would take him up to see the ruins, but that didn't happen until right before we left.  The little dude trekked all the way up to the top all by himself (he's getting good at climbing mountains!).△
 △The hospital where Zac was born.△
 △Max had "two flat tires" so on the way down, he got to hop on the daddy express.△
 △Max wanted me to take pictures of him blowing bubbles outside one day, so here they are. △
 △Oh, and then there's this cutie pie just hanging out. △

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