Oktoberfest 2015


The last time that I went to an Oktoberfest was over two years ago.  Before I had Max.  I remember seeing a photo of myself holding a stein and grinning like an idiot with a GIANT belly.  A few weeks later,  I had Max and the following years I was either breastfeeding or pregnant around the time when all the fall festivities start in Germany. 

Anyway, fast forward to the beginning of the month.   While I'm still personally providing 99% of Zac's meals and can't REALLY drink too much, we decided that the whole family should go to Oktoberfest since Scott has accepted a position in the States and we'll be relocating early next year.

Max wasn't too impressed (we later found out he was starting to get sick, which might have been why he was less than enthusiastic about the whole thing), but Zac had a great time trying to grab anything within his reach.  Mostly steins.  What a lush.  Anyway, here are the photos from our last Konstanz Oktoberfest (well until we decide to bring the boys back to their birthplace… when they're of German drinking age of course).  Enjoy!

This woman was really dancing up a storm… while drinking and with a crutch.  What a lady.

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