The Comic Strip Center (Brussels continued)


I'll admit that other than reading the Sunday comics growing up, I know next to nothing about the comic or graphic novel industry.  I know it's a love 'em or hate 'em kind of thing, but I have a healthy admiration for the story telling aspect of art.  Not to sound snobby because I know it's a huge privilege to say that I've seen some of the greats in art history all up close and personal, but sometimes I just want to tear my hair out thinking about going to another art museum with all those portrait studies (and meat, who wants to stare at a dark painting of days old beef leaning against a glass of wine?) and people having to be quiet or else getting the pleasure of being told "shhhhhhhhh" followed but the most evil glare.   

Anyway, when I saw that Brussels had the Comic Strip Center of all things, I said "hell, yeah!" and off we went to the most fun museum that I think I've been to in a long time.  We got there shortly after opening and already kids of all ages were lining up.  I mean, it was loud, it was having to dodge around groups of children just staring in awe at everything while the adult/teacher went on and on about this and that.  Education at it's finest and a field trip of awesome.  

What was I most excited about?  Smurfs.  Talk about going waaaayyyyyyy back.  And talking about going wayyyyyy back… About a month ago Scott and I were looking for something for all of us to watch as a family.  Some genius decide to look up the Masters of the Universe because that's what we remembered watching on Saturday mornings along with the Smurfs.  Which then led to looking up and watching the He-Man and She-Ra movie on YouTube (I loved that movie so much).  Which then led to the "why did our parents let us watch this" question followed by laughing hysterically because you have to.  I mean purple tights, blond bobs, and He-Man riding horseback behind a man also wearing tights and a crop top with a heart on it.  It's so eighties.  

Anyway, blah blah, here's the photos that I took from that day.

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