Here's a batch of Max's birthday photos.
Since both my grandparents, my mom and my sister overlapped in their visits for a couple days, we decided to throw Max's birthday party the day before the great-grandparents shipped off (literally). I'm not sure that Max really understands what a birthday is yet, but he seems to have gotten the hang of opening presents. I have a feeling that come Christmas, we're going to have trouble keeping this little guy from opening ALL of the presents under the tree!
On the day of his birthday, we decided to take a trip to Konstanz to visit the local aquarium. We did the same thing last year, but again, Max was too young to really get what the heck he was looking at. This year though, it was a game of chase. Apparently, his idea of a good time was to run from room to room to room. You knew that he liked something (turtles! penguins!) if he ran circles in them same room and stopped at the same spots instead of hauling ass to the next room after a quick look around.
Anyway, it seemed like a good birthday for the little guy. He got to spend time with family, open presents, eat cake, see a hedgehog and most importantly, get a train(!)set… and I still can't believe that he's two!
△Aunt Tiff got Max this little dog for his birthday. His name is "pup pup" and at the moment he's Max's #1 side kick who goes EVERYWHERE with him△
△the excitement over trains usually involves a very loud "choo choo" and a face▽
△left photo: look! a photo of me!// right photo: Max's favorite monster book where the wild things are△
△nothing like toy trains, trees from a lego set and some crushed oreo cookies to make a train cake△
△the hedgehog living in the backyard△
△i don't know what we're going to do when we move someplace where we don't have to use trains for transportation... Max is going to be so sad△
△always chasing birds△
△the left photo is an example of Scott's "i'm annoyed by the camera" face that i usually ignore△
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