A Day in the Alps


A few weeks ago, we joined Scott's lab group for a hike in the Swiss Alps.

About once or twice a year, Scott and some of his co-workers plan for a little out-of-office get together. Usually it's to do something fun (Max and I missed out on the zoo trip, which I'm still bummed about) and while I've been to some of the outings in the past, the last two years I've had skip out on them because I was either too pregnant or Max was too little.  Not this time!  We (Max and I) were more than ready to head out for an adventure.  We had a baby backpack that was sitting around not being used and a toddler that was more then ready to be strapped into it as long as it involved being outside and that we would "go go go!"  So Scott and I had the pleasure of being transportation up a large mountain for a day. 

So here are a "few" (I couldn't help but post a ton of photos because it's the Alps… in summer)  pictures from our hike.  I'm just going to warn everyone that this is going to be a looooong blog with cows and goats and mountains and lakes and Max and anything else that I thought I just HAD to show.  Enjoy!  

▲the little dots in the sky are hang gliders▲
▲the first cow that i saw… talk about excited!▲
▲alpine cows in the trail▲
▲a little restaurant we stopped at for a break▲
 ▲which some of us loved...▲
▲and others not so much…▲
▲this cave was pretty awesome.  you had to walk through it in order to get to the top of the mountain▲
▲the bodensee!  these must be the mountains we see from home… not bragging or anything▲

▲on our way back down and it was STEEP▼
Stay tuned for Poland photos!

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